Tweet Up in a Brewery #tub4

Christmas is well and truly over, the Christmas markets are disassembled and people are back in work, so it would be the perfect time for some midweek beers to talk about random tech stuff. So presenting the next instalment, #4, of Tweet Up In A Brewery {aka #tub4}.

About Tweet up in a Brewery

A few English speaking tweeters in Munich have come together and decided to have an informal tweet up. It’s open to everyone, the language is generally English, but most of us speak-the-german too. Think of it as an open coffee club meeting with beer ! We generally meet after work in a central bar / brewery in Munich and chat about a whole host of topics.

A quick thanks to equinux who sponsored a few beers at tub3. They showed off their new prodcuct Tizi, which turns your iPad into a digital receiver, and picked up the tab while we oooh and awwwed over it.

Details of TUB4

Signup for TUB4

[EVENTR REGISTRATION 4] Upon sign up you’ll be send to the twitter search results page.

Previous Tweet up in a Brewery

This is the 4th meeting in the series. [1] [2] [3]

HashTag for the event : #tub4, a list of some previous attendees can be found here.
See you there !